SATA is an industrial group whose ownership and management have always been held by the founding family. It operates mainly in the automotive sector offering a high customer service, establishing relationships of mutual trust and partnership.
The technical know-how is fundamental to the group related to production processes. The control of the main operational functions is managed by the Holding F.C. This structure guarantees standardization and a flexible and rapid organization of decisions.
The technical know-how is fundamental to the group related to production processes. The control of the main operational functions is managed by the Holding F.C. This structure guarantees standardization and a flexible and rapid organization of decisions.
The beginnings
SATA, originally known as MARTINELLI, has been present in the landscape of machining work since the beginning of the twentieth century and located exclusively in the Northwest of Italy.
The technical know-how and the continuous push towards innovation have enabled SATA to grow up according to the evolution of the markets, guaranteeing its customers a presence in the main worldwide market.
Starting in 1993, following the needs of its main customers, SATA began its expansion with POZZILLI plant in central Italy.
The technical know-how and the continuous push towards innovation have enabled SATA to grow up according to the evolution of the markets, guaranteeing its customers a presence in the main worldwide market.
Starting in 1993, following the needs of its main customers, SATA began its expansion with POZZILLI plant in central Italy.
Our beginnings
SATA, originally known as MARTINELLI, has been present in the landscape of machining work since the beginning of the twentieth century and located exclusively in the Northwest of Italy.
The technical know-how and the continuous push towards innovation have enabled SATA to grow up according to the evolution of the markets, guaranteeing its customers a presence in the main worldwide market.
Starting in 1993, following the needs of its main customers, SATA began its expansion with POZZILLI plant in central Italy.
The technical know-how and the continuous push towards innovation have enabled SATA to grow up according to the evolution of the markets, guaranteeing its customers a presence in the main worldwide market.
Starting in 1993, following the needs of its main customers, SATA began its expansion with POZZILLI plant in central Italy.
Internationalization and diversification
At the end of the Nineties, the growth of the South American markets led to the realization of its first foreign plant in Argentina (TANDIL-Buenos Aires). Two years later, the production activities in Brazil (SUMARE ' – São Paulo) began. Following a policy of product differentiation, in 2005 SATA acquired the Castelnuovo Valsugana plant (Trento).
The process of internationalization, which began during the previous decade, led SATA to export its ambitions and know-how towards new markets., with a Chinese plant (KUNSHAN -Shanghai) in 2006, an Indian plant (PAWAL- New Delhi) in 2007, a joint – venture with Vikas group, and in 2016, the plant establishment in the USA.
During its evolution, SATA group, in addition to the machining operation, has invested and actively participated in the management of related companies.
The process of internationalization, which began during the previous decade, led SATA to export its ambitions and know-how towards new markets., with a Chinese plant (KUNSHAN -Shanghai) in 2006, an Indian plant (PAWAL- New Delhi) in 2007, a joint – venture with Vikas group, and in 2016, the plant establishment in the USA.
During its evolution, SATA group, in addition to the machining operation, has invested and actively participated in the management of related companies.

Present in Northwest Italy since the beginning of the 1900s02
Began expansion with Pozzilli plant in Southern Italy03
First foreign plant established in Argentina (Buenos Aires)04
Plant established in Brazil (São Paulo)05
Acquisitionof C. Vo
Valsugana Plant
Chinese expansion with the Kunshan plant (Shanghai)07
Indian expansionwith Palwal plant (New Delhi)
Opening of Brownsville plant (Texas)01
Present in Northwest Italy since the beginning of the 1900s.02
Began expansion with Pozzilli plant in Southern Italy03
First foreign plant established in Argentina (Buenos Aires)04
Plant established in Brazil (São Paulo)05
Acquisition of C. Vo Valsugana Plant06
Chinese expansion with the Kunshan plant (Shanghai)07
Indian expansion with Palwal plant (New Delhi)08